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Selection Guidelines for Delegates to the 2013 International Assembly

The Preparatory Commission has released the guidelines for selection of delegates to the 2013 International Assembly for Mission. The assembly will take place in Rome, May 5-19, 2013, with the theme “One Family, One Mission: Lasallians Associated for the Educational Service of the Poor.”

There will be 140 delegates; one-third of the delegates will be Brothers and two-thirds will be Lasallian Partners. Each of the five Regions of the Institute will designate 10 delegates for a total of 50 and the remaining 90 delegates will be allocated according to the number of students in each Region as listed in the Statistics of the Institute found on page 249 of the 2011 edition of Memento. The United States-Toronto Region will have 17 delegates-four delegates by virtue of their membership in International Councils of the Institute and 13 delegates to be appointed by the Visitors.

Delegates must be a Lasallian who meets the following criteria:
  • participated in some form of Lasallian formation
  • served in Lasallian ministries for at least five years
  • familiar with Lasallian ministries beyond their own, meaning they know and/or have experienced at least two ministries beyond their own or have experienced international Lasallian service
  • known for commitment and a spirit of cooperation in Lasallian activities
  • particularly sensitive to or experienced in one of the three Assembly themes, which are Lasallian Pedagogy for the Service of the Poor, Evangelization and Pastoral for the Service of the Poor, and Educational Community for the Service of the Poor.

The Superior General is President of the Assembly. He will have the discretion to appoint 13 additional delegates. The Vicar General and the eight General Councilors are members of the Assembly.
