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‘Being with’: A Reflection on International Lasallian Formation

For three weeks in January, 54 Lasallians from 31 countries and 18 Districts gathered at the Generalate in Rome for the Institute’s Centro Internazionale Lasalliano (CIL) formation program. Five representatives from the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) attended, including two from the District of San Francisco New Orleans: Janell Kloosterman, AFSC, and Andrew Kuffner, and three from the Francophone Canada District: Antoine Beland, Louis-Andre Bellemare and Jeremie Laliberte. RELAN invited Janell Kloosterman to reflect upon her experience at the CIL.

By Janell Kloosterman, AFSC

“Being with and to be for” is how Brother Antonio Botana, FSC, author of the recent Lasallian Education Mission (MEL) Bulletin 58 “The Transmission of the Charism to the Laity,” described our responsibility as formators during the 2024 Program for Formators held in Rome. I had the great privilege of attending the CIL for formators January 11-30, 2024.  

During the three weeks, the program provided the opportunity for formators from around the world to share experiences, create community, learn more about essential Lasallian documents, enrich the formation experience, as well as have time to learn more about association and spiritual identity in the role of a formator.

We heard from speakers on various topics, including Superior General Brother Armin Luistro, FSC, who challenged us to go the peripheries and serve those who are economically, educationally and spiritually marginalized. Joe Gilson, director of mission for Great Britain and Malta, provided insight into the development of “The Pilgrims Handbook” and its use in formation. It helped us understand the rationale and thoughtfulness that went into creating the document and the framework’s value in the implementation of formation programs.

Additionally, we learned more about the Lasallian formational journey and association so that as formators we can better support those we accompany. As Heather Ruple-Gilson and Brother Paco Chiva, FSC, former co-secretariates for association stated, “Association is what binds us together.”

We also had time to reflect upon our spiritual journey and the essential elements necessary to sustain ourselves in our work as formators. Brother George Van Grieken, FSC, Lasallian Resource coordinator, Christian Brothers Conference, provided us the gift of time to reflect on our spiritual journeys and reminded us that “our spiritual lives are always a work in progress and requires continual attention.”

One of the highlights of the three weeks was listening to a presentation from Brother Antonio, author of MEL Bulletin 8/9, “The Educator’s Life Journey.” He spoke to us about our vocational call as formators and the “roots that that make us grow” in our Lasallian identity.

Our three weeks concluded with “thought partnering” with colleagues in the same Region to develop executive briefs on Regional formation needs and ways to address those challenges.

Some of the areas of need included forming formators, considering the reduced number of Brothers, developing programming that focuses on Partners, and ways in which Brothers and Partners can collaborate in the development of these programs. Additionally, there was dialogue concerning gender equity in formation leadership and ensuring that opportunities for formation experiences are available, taking into consideration cost, time and access. Others spoke about the secularization of our young adults and ways to respond to this reality. The discussions challenged us all to be creative in ways to respond.

As I take a breath and reflect upon my experience, after 35 years in the Lasallian family I am always in awe of what I continue to learn and discover about my own Lasallian journey and vocational path. I am reminded of and grateful for the invitations I received from those who many times saw more in me than I saw in myself.

International Lasallian formation experiences continue to deepen my faith in my professional, personal and spiritual life and remind me that, despite the cultural and language differences, we are bound by our dedication to the Lasallian mission. We are continually called to accompany others as they discover themselves in their vocational path.

In the words of our closing speaker, Brother Enrico Muller, FSC, “Every person is a mission that is the reason for our life on this earth.” It is a great privilege to work alongside other formators and their profound dedication to the mission inspires me to continually discover my place in this Lasallian mission.

Janell Kloosterman, AFSC, is director of leadership formation for the District of San Francisco New Orleans. She serves on the board of Christian Brothers High School, Sacramento, California, and is chair of the board of directors for Lasallian Educational Research Initiatives.

Read more from the Institute

Photo above: Janell Kloosterman, AFSC

Photo Courtesy Communications and Technology Service, Generalate
