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CBC Introduces New Website for Blessed James Miller is now live! Christian Brothers Conference is excited to share this new website in preparation for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s visit to Blessed James Miller’s grave in Custer, Wisconsin, on June 10, 2024.  

The pilgrimage has once again brought Brother James’ story to a national audience and will serve as a hub of information for those interested in learning more about this blessed and his cause for canonization.  

The website features a brief account of Blessed James’ life, an overview of his journey to beatification, and details about the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s stop on June 10. Also included on the website are prayers seeking Blessed James’ intercession and forms where visitors can sign up to receive updates about his cause and submit prayer requests.  

This beta website is a precursor to a fully developed site dedicated to Blessed James that will launch later in 2024. 

De La Salle Christian Brother James Miller dedicated his life to teaching the young in the United States and Central America. While on assignment in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, in 1982, Brother James was gunned down by three assailants presumed to be from the army’s death squad. Pope Francis declared him a martyr in 2018 and he was beatified in 2019. Blessed James is the first U.S. Christian Brother to be beatified. 

