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Earthquake Recovery Continues

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2014_Aug_24 - Earthquake - Napa - MLS (19) (Medium) web

Holy Family Community shortly after the earthquake, Courtesy Brother George Van Grieken, FSC

Lasallians in Napa, California, continue the process of cleaning up after the earthquake that shook Northern California early Sunday, August 24. The District of San Francisco New Orleans (SFNO) recently offered updates on damage sustained at its offices, the retreat and conference center, and the Brothers’ communities. While the buildings did not sustain structural damage, a variety of repairs are needed.

The earthquake caused mostly non-structural damages at Justin-Siena High School in Napa, with the exception of shattered gymnasium windows and broken water lines. Overall, damages totaled approximately $60,000 at Justin-Siena.

Read the full story here > [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
