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Blessed Arnold Rèche, FSC

Jules-Nicolas Rèche was born into a poor family living in Landroff in the province of Lorraine. He left school at an early age to work as a stable-boy, a coachman, […]

Huether Lasallian Conference

The 2020 Huether Lasallian Conference will be held as an online event November 19-21, 2020, with the theme "Great Things are Possible: Our Lasallian Mission Reimagined and Renewed." Learn more […]

LVs Virtual Run

The 2020 LVs Run will be held as a virtual event on Saturday, November 21, 2020. Learn more >

Lasallian Volunteers Midyear Retreat

The Midyear Retreat will take place virtually January 15-18, 2021. The Midyear Retreat is a time for Lasallian Volunteers to look at their first half of the year and reflect […]


Brother James Miller, FSC

February 13, 2020, marked the inaugural memorial for beatified Brother James Miller, FSC. Brother James was killed in the afternoon of February 13, 1982, while repairing a wall just outside “La Casa Indígena De La Salle” in Guatemala. In 2010, Brother James was designated a Servant of God and a martyr for the faith, and […]