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Groundwork to organize Young Lasallians begins

Young LasalliansAn ad hoc committee of young Lasallians and Brothers met in Chicago from April 11 to 13 to develop a structure and organization for the Young Lasallians movement in the United States and Toronto Region. The group shall consist of Lasallian teachers, staff and collegians in their early 20s and mid-30s.

The committee agreed to focus on three specific areas for the next 12 months: 1) utilize technology to connect Young Lasallians; 2) rally Young Lasallians around an annual thematic project (the Institute’s emphasis on migration will be the project for 2008); and 3) identify existing activities and programs for Lasallian collegians and organize this age group.

The committee is thankful to the Midwest District and Brother Visitor Frank Carr, for hosting the meeting, and Ms. Tina Bonacci, Director of Formation and Accompaniment, for making the arrangements.
