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Regional Webinar Series – Archives

Launched in the fall of 2023, the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) is pleased to continue offering a webinar series led by Lasallians. Lasallian educators from across the Region have designed these webinars to provide opportunities to discuss current trends in Lasallian Catholic education. The webinar presenters offer resources to bring back to the classroom, office and educational community. In partnership with the Lasallian Resource Center, below are the archived webinars that have already taken place. Learn more.


Integral Ecology: A New Lasallian Educational Project, April 16, 2024

Retired Lasallians Connect and Contribute, March 19, 2024

Spiritual Care for a Busy Educator, January 11, 2024

Addressing Social, Emotional and Spiritual Learning Through Advisories, November 8, 2023

The Eucharistic Revival: Our Role in Lasallian Education, September 12, 2023

Integral Ecology: A New Lasallian Educational Project

Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Speakers: Brother Gus Sinco, FSC, Director, Environmental Sustainability Education Initiative, RELAN

Integral Ecology (IE) reveals that the ecological crisis is not a collection of problems to be solved, but a symptom of a deeper human and spiritual crisis. At its core this crisis is our lost connection to the natural world and our own origins. IE education is an approach to teaching and learning that seeks to understand the interconnectedness of all of creation and provide an answer to the present human and spiritual crisis. Recognizing that our spiritual needs are just as important as our physical needs, we cannot truly heal the environment without also healing ourselves. “Integral ecology is, pedagogically, one of the best generators of educational approaches that could be characteristic of the new Lasallian educational proposal” (Declaration on the Lasallian Educational Mission [2020], p. 100). IE education seeks to help students develop a deeper relationship with God through a better understanding of the natural world and the environmental impact of their actions. It also seeks to help students develop the skills, knowledge and sense of responsibility they need to protect God’s gift and live more sustainably.

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Retired Lasallians Connect and Contribute

Recording Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Speakers: Robert N. Ortbal, Co-chair, Lasallian Companions, Midwest District, Burr Ridge, IL; Joan E. Williams, Busy Person Retreat Coordinator, Lasallian Companions, Midwest District, Burr Ridge, IL

Retired Lasallians in the Midwest, known as Lasallian Companions, share their experiences building community, enriching their spiritual lives, and assisting ministries. Retirement does not mean losing connection to or commitment to the Lasallian charism. Through both large group and small group gatherings, as well as individual contributions, Lasallian Companions connect and contribute throughout the year with monthly book, articles and movie discussions via Zoom, yearly in person gatherings as well as providing retreat ministries with assistance. For several years, including during COVID, Lasallian Companions remained connected with each other, the Midwest District and the larger Lasallian world by offering assistance and service to ministries and other organizations. Together, and in association, the Lasallian charism is a lifelong gift that those who have retired from active ministry can share with one another and the current Lasallian ministries. 

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Spiritual Care for a Busy Educator

Recording Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024

Speakers: Brother Matthew Chiantella, FSC, Director of Student Life, San Miguel High School, Tucson, AZ; Brother J.D. Macioce, FSC, Business Teacher, La Salle Academy, Providence, RI

This session invites participants to consider their faith journeys as a lifelong experience and will touch on the importance of attentiveness to spiritual self-care in the midst of their busy daily lives. Participants will leave with an understanding of different tools that can serve as resources in cultivating a maturing faith in relation to their vocation as an educator. 

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Addressing Social, Emotional and Spiritual Learning Through Advisories 

Recording Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Speakers: Christine Buell, Assistant Principal for Student Life, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, San Francisco, CA, and Nicole Nastari, Dean of Students, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, San Francisco, CA 

While the concept of advisories is not new, we have reconfigured them to provide a vehicle by which to address the social and emotional needs that have emerged for our students from the pandemic. As current research has suggested, teenagers are more anxious than ever and in need of more support and education.

Advisories create a space that can promote wellness strategies, address social-emotional learning and deepen community connections across class levels. Throughout the school year, we as educators use the time and space in advisory to explore various topics, including diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, positive relationship strategies, neurodiversity, stress management, mindfulness and community-wide spirit activities. Furthermore, advisories create high-impact leadership opportunities that further promote the development of intellectual, social and emotional skills. This session covers the practicalities of organizing lesson plans, selecting and training student advisory leaders and community-wide involvement that make this programming so effective.

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The Eucharistic Revival: Our Role in Lasallian Education

Recording Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Speaker: Brother Mark Engelmeyer, FSC, Religion Teacher, Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, PA

With churches having empty pews during Mass, many Catholics not having an understanding of the Eucharist, and more and more young people disaffiliating from the Church, the United States Bishops have called for a three-year Eucharistic Revival. As one of the largest Catholic high school networks in the United States, we as Lasallians have a great opportunity to play a pivotal role in helping the young entrusted to our care rediscover and grow in their love of Our Lord in the Eucharist.  

Based in the teachings of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, this session can be used as a resource for educators to effectively incorporate the Eucharistic Revival into their schools.

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Questions? Contact Phil De Rita, Lasallian programs manager, at or 202-529-0047 x110.